A Word From The
As well as being featured in many books Johnny Strange has authored several himself. His first book published in 2023 even managed to become a #1 best seller within 24 hours. This ever growing catalogue of books revolves around the unusual, the bizarre and the unique.
Unusual As Usual
Written by Johnny Strange
If you’re a fan of the odd or unusual then this book is for you. Featuring over fifty unique and exciting historical cases of human curiosities, this book brings their stories to the present to celebrate the lives of these special people.
Whether it be ‘Anatomical Oddities’ such as “The Gripping Tale of Grady Styles, The Lobster Boy” – who was born with claws instead of hands or “The Unfortunate Tale of The Hilton Twins” – conjoined twins chained for life. Or maybe you’re more interested in ‘Modified Marvels’ such as “The enigma that was Horace Ridler, The Great Omi” – who tattooed his entire body from head to toe with zebra stripes, or another body mod extreme, “The Graceful Shape of Ethel Granger, The Wasp Lady” – who used corseting to become the woman with the smallest waist in history.
Or perhaps you are interested in ‘Peculiar People’ who perform the most bizarre and remarkable sideshow acts such as “The Dangerous Career of Koringa, La Femme Fakir” – who could scale a ladder of swords completely barefoot or “The Hard Hitting Story of Melvin Burkhart, The Human Blockhead” – who could hammer 6 inch steel nails up his nose and into the centre of his skull unharmed.
Abnormal Animals
Written by Johnny Strange
Featuring twenty-five unique and bizarre cases of animal anomalies whose extraordinary genetics have broken the mould of their predecessors.
Whether it be animals changing colours such as ‘Snowflake the Albino Gorilla’ and ‘The Black Flamingo’, fungal and parasitic interventions such as ‘The Origins of The Wild Jackalope’ and the case of ‘The Octo-frogs’ or even unique animals caused by human intervention, usually of a scientific nature such as ‘The Vacanti Mouse’ and ‘Emoji the Snake’. Welcome to ‘Unusual As Usual: Abnormal Animals’, a collection of some of the most unique and bizarre cases produced by nature’s evolutionary anomalies.
This book shares the same styles, genres and elements as its predecessor, ‘Unusual As Usual: Bizarre Stories of Historical Circus, Sideshow and Freak Show Performers.’ This stylish 6 in x 6 in, square, black & white book is ideal for collectors and looks great on any bookshelf.
Holier Than Thou
Written by Johnny Strange
In a world full of strange achievements, Elaine Davidson has one which really stands out. Elaine’s jaw-dropping journey into body modification started in 1997 and in just three short years she had managed to transform herself from an inconspicuous nurse living in Brazil, into “The World’s Most Pierced Woman” with her image being circulated around the globe.
By 2001 she had accumulated 720 piercings and by 2010 she had more than doubled this amount. Since then Elaine has continued to add to her every changing piercing collection and she is now well on her way to reaching her goal of 20,000 piercings.
In this book discover how Elaine evolved into a living, breathing work of art through her tattoos and piercings. Explore how she astonishes audiences around the world by laying on a bed of nails, walking on broken glass and lifting heavy weights with her piercings. Elaine’s unique story shows that human individuality knows no bounds.